Supercontinuum laser-Ultrashort pulse series
产品描述Product description: P系列超连续谱激光器可以提供脉宽皮秒量级的宽带超连续谱,通过调节重复频率和输出功率可实现客户的不同需求,可选外部触发功能。 P series supercontinuum laser can provide broadband supercontinuum with pulse width in picosecond level. By adjusting repetition rate and output power, different requirements of customers can be realized. External trigger function is optional. 另外,我们可以根据用户不同的需求,定制超连续谱脉冲宽度、重频频率、输出功率、发散角等光学参数。 In addition, we can customize pulse width, repetition frequency, output power, divergence angle and other optical parameters of supercontinuum according to different needs of users.
产品特色Product characteristics: 高功率可选High power optional 宽带宽Wide band 重复频率、输出功率可调Adjustable repetition frequency and output power 高稳定性High stability
产品应用Product application: 纳米粒子和量子点Nanoparticles and quantum dots 纳米结构表征Characterization of Nanostructures 太阳能电池表征Solar cell characterization 图像传感器和检测器表征Image sensor and detector characterization 石墨烯和碳纳米管Graphene and carbon nanotubes 荧光寿命成像Fluorescence lifetime imaging 超高分辨显微成像Ultra-high resolution microscopic imaging 光学相干层析Optical coherence tomography (OCT) |
光学特性Optical specifications:
Cut-in wavelength: 420 nm
Visible power(410-850 nm): 2 W
Total power: 7 W
Spectral range: 420-2400 nm
Power stability: <0.5% (RMS)
Variable repetition rate: 160kHz-80 MHz
Beam quality: M2<1.1
Polarization: Random
电学物理学特性Electrical and physical properties:
Length of output fiber: 1.5 m
Synchronous output signal: BNC; TTL voltage level
Operation Voltage: 100-240 V; 50/60 Hz
Power consumption: < 150 W