

Supercontinuum laser-High energy series

产品描述Product description


HE series supercontinuum laser can provide high-energy broadband supercontinuum. By adjusting repetition rate and output energy, different requirements of customers can be realized. External trigger function is optional.


In addition, we can customize pulse width, repetition frequency, output energy, divergence angle and other optical parameters of supercontinuum according to different needs of users. 

产品特色Product characteristics:
高能量High energy
宽带宽Wide band
重复频率、输出能量可调Adjustable repetition frequency and output energy
高稳定性High stability

产品应用Product application 

主动式高光谱成像 Active hyperspectral imaging

激光雷达 Lidar

远距离光谱标定 Remote spectral calibration

太阳光模拟 Sunlight simulation

特性Optical specifications:

Cut-in wavelength6μJ 380 nm

Total energy:15 μJ1)

Visible energy:4 μJ1)

Total power:2 W

Spectral range :380-2400 nm

Power stability: 0.5%(RMS)

Variable repetition rate: 50 kHz-200 kHz

Beam pointing accuracy: 2 mrad

Polarization: Random

1): Max energy is under the repetition rate of 130 kHz.


电学和物理特性Electrical and physical properties:

Length of output fiber:  1.5 m

Synchronous output signal: BNC; TTL voltage level

Operation Voltage: 100-240 V; 50/60 Hz

Power consumption: 50 W

Dimensions (W*H*L): 397*301*100 mm

Weight:  13  kg



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